It brings in freshness to your space. Wallpapers can be customized to suit your theme and you get a wide variety in selection.
Wall paper is not a substitute for paint. Wall paper has more ornamental value, it is used to break the monotony and highlight a particular space.
A big advantage wallpapers have over textured paint is the wide variety available for selection. You can choose a wallpaper exactly as your theme requires. You can also customize wallpapers based on a photograph or pattern you like.
There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before applying a wallpaper. • Wallpapers cannot be used to cover damp surfaces. One major requirement before applying a wallpaper is that the surface needs to be absolutely dry. • Wallpapers should be applied on smooth surfaces. Before applying wallpaper you must ensure that the wall is covered in a smooth coat of Lambi and Putty.